Sunday, November 27, 2016

[Your Name Here?] is a Servant of God

By John Foll, 11/27/2016  

Certificate of Achievement: This acknowledges that [blank] is a servant of God because he/she loves Jesus. [Your Name Goes Here?] Signed by the Holy Spirit. Today’s Date? Please look at this certificate and ponder the importance of what it is trying to teach, it is really quite simple, yet powerful. This pictorially shows us how we can please God, and know if we are on the right track or not. It is not just trying to be cute, but to help all to see the truth.

You cannot help but want to serve Jesus and His Father, if you truly love Him and His Father.  In fact, if you have been born again, by the Water and the Spirit (John 3:5), this will be what you want, and will be the most natural thing in the world for you; it will be your greatest desire! And you will love your neighbor as yourself, by God’s power. This is proof that you really love God and are born again. All the peace, love, joy, faith, happiness and the power to serve God and bear fruit for His glory, is your wonderful privilege to have! John 15:8. It’s your destiny if you would claim it, and give your heart to Him! Why not? He loves you, and will give all of this to you if you will have it!

#God #Love #Heart #Certificate #Achievement #Serve #Peace #Joy #Happiness #Power #Privilege #Born #Again #Holy #Spirit #Proof #Servant #Please #Faith #Truth

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