Sunday, October 16, 2016

Oh Hungry Soul!

By John Foll:

Oh Hungry Soul:
You too can know
The delights of being forgiven &
The delights of being cleansed.
And being pure, holy & free!

Surrender your doubts & unbelief,
Surrender your heart & mind.
Give up your broken heart,
Give up your despair,
And let God restore you!
And let Jesus forgive you.

Let Him take that load of
Guilt, Darkness, Sadness, Anger,
Take it away forever!

That’s just the nature of God!
He’s always loved you!
And like a tender Father
Wants what is best for you
And for your happiness!

Oh Hungry soul!
Give your heart to Him, It’s so easy!
His precious Holy Spirit will sweep through
And change you, and purify you,
And lift you up out of the mud.
And recreate your heart –
A heart to love Him and others.
He will write His Holy law,
The 10 Commandments of love,
On your heart to shine
For all the World to see.

He will make salvation easy for you,
He will roll back the shame of your soul,
You will finally be happy! Oh so happy!
Did I say you would be ‘so happy, Oh so happy’?
Yes I did, but say it again ‘Oh so happy!’
When you go throughout the day
You will be happy because
You will stop hurting yourself and others,
You will stop dwelling on negative thoughts,
You will stop feeling sorry for yourself,
You will stop thinking there is no hope for your life.
You will only want to glory in God’s Love,
For yourself and others.

Let God from Heaven
Smile on you and
Grant you the Holy Spirit
Without measure!

Oh Hungry soul!
Think about how much you want His life,
Think about how much you want His love,
Think about how much you want His forgiveness,
And give your heart to Him! It’s so easy!
Just one thought of Him and His love for you
And your heart will melt forever;
Your soul will say, ‘Why does He love me so?
Why does He care for my miserable life?
Why am I so special that He would stoop
To lift me up from the pit of ruin?’

Oh Hungry soul! God makes it easy, so easy!
Just ask for forgiveness,
Just believe He has forgiven you,
Just believe His Holy Spirit cleanses you,
And watch it happen!
It’s so easy! All you have to do is ask!
Invite the Holy Spirit into your heart.
It would make Him happy, Oh so happy;
To make you happy and saved,
Eternally saved, eternally happy!
It’s so easy, because it’s free!
No reason to go hungry anymore,
Because the Holy Spirit,
Like forgiveness from Jesus
Is free!

Written sometime in winter-spring 2014.

#Holy #Spirit #happy #happiness #love #peace #poetry #need #salvation #filled #delight #forgiveness #victory #soul #hunger #thirst #free #easy #life #cleanse

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